I got my sister, Heather, who knows not to read today's post (!), a Golden Tote for her Christmas present this year. It's a service that surprises you with fun clothes and accessories. It's $49 for 2-3 pieces and $149 for 5-7. I have friends that use Golden Tote because they care about looking cute, but don't really love to shop. They're too busy or just don't really want to deal with it. It's super easy to give as gifts too - I made a style profile for Heather (which was basically just choosing her size and favorite stores - easy) and then picked two of the six or seven items I wanted to see come in her tote. The other items were surprises.

It was fun to see what they sent for her - they totally nailed her style. And of course everything came in an adorable golden tote. :)

My favorites were this bomber jacket with the brass zippers and a pretty blouse with black lace trim around the neck. I know she'll look so great in these! And when I am not rocking a giant baby belly, I'll for sure be borrowing that cute gray sweater. It has sweet little buttons that run up the back. Love it.

So to make her gift a little more special, I picked up enough wooden hangers at IKEA to hang all her new Golden Tote clothes on and stopped by Michaels to get a few different colors of yarn, whatever colors were pretty and on sale! :)

I am not a glue gun fanatic (I usually prefer Fabritac), but for projects like this, where it's helpful for the glue to dry really quickly, I love a glue gun. You only need a little bit of glue on the hanger anyway, so likely your fingers will escape this project unburned! :) I used just enough glue to hold the start of the yarn at the middle of the hanger, and then a little bit more every 5 or 6 wrap-arounds to keep everything in place.

You can do any pattern you'd like, obviously, (black and white uniform stripes would be so cute!) but I did random colors in random sized stripes.

I love how the hangers turned out! And I think they help make this fun gift more personal and extra special!

A big thanks to Golden Tote for sponsoring this DIY. Every first Monday of the month they launch a new tote - check out December's here! The last day to order in time for Christmas is December 17, so get on that! :)

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