Over the weekend I hung up some more art in the living room. I had left the wall shared with the kitchen pretty uncovered up until now because there's a gallery wall in the room already and I didn't want to overpower the space. But mostly the lady portrait painting and an abstract photographic print I had hung up for a few months just felt lonely and too sparse to me. Here's the before shot:

I had a meeting with Bloglovin' on Friday morning at Cafeteria, which is right by my favorite Housing Works location. So if course I had to pop in just to see what they had, and there was a treasure trove that day! Thrift stores in NYC are usually not so fruitful and they are really ridiculously expensive, but some times you can luck out. One of the things I brought home was this exhibition print. I fell in love with the shade of green from across the store and was so glad to see the print was only $15.

I had been wanting to add something in this tone to the walls to pick up on the color of the green sofa, so this was a happy find. I hung it up almost all the way up to the moulding and put back up the lady and the photo print right below the new print.

I also hung a piece of art I bought a couple years ago at the flea. I talked more about it here, but a lot of times you can find vendors who have purchased a deceased artist's entire estate. It's a good time to buy up a few pieces of an artist you like for almost nothing. I bought a lot from this artist's estate. This one was a rice paper and ink drawing called "If Not Sound, Then, Music is Feeling."

Right next to Michael's guitars felt like a good place to hang it.

I like how the four pieces play off each other. And I'm happy with how the kitchen pass-through is less of a focus on that wall now.

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